List of Online Degrees

Like traditional degrees awarded by traditional educational institutes, online institutes also award academic degrees at all levels. In recent years, more and more students have enrolled in online certificate and diploma, associate, bachelor's and master's degrees.Babson Survey Research Group in its latest report titled Changing Course: Ten Years of Tracking Online Education in the United States quotes over 6 million students enrolled in online courses. The primary objective of offering online degrees by level is to deliver education at all levels and cater to the needs of the students according to the ever changing and demanding job market.

In addition to offering online degrees by qualification, online colleges and universities offer academic courses at various levels as well. For instance, nursing courses are offered at diploma level as well as associate, bachelor's, master's and even Ph.D. level. While some aspects of science related courses like nursing cannot be completed online (lab work, research and internship are requirements of a degree program), mixing online courses with on-campus courses actually help students learn and excel more. According to the United States Department of Education, online students perform better than traditional students. The Department also says that those who mix online classes with traditional on-campus classes, perform even better.

Notwithstanding the benefits of online education, the question whether online education is for everyone is very important. Online education is for everyone, however it is particularly for those who are employed with family commitments, yet have the urge to excel in their profession by gaining more knowledge. Similarly, those who are thinking of a career change but do not have the time to attend a traditional school, will prefer enrolling in an online program. Mature students too may prefer online education for a variety of reasons. Those who like academic flexibility and prefer to work independently may also find online courses and programs useful.

Continuing Education
Degree Completion
Post Grad Certificates
Post Bacc Programs

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