What is an Associate Degree

An online Associate's degree paves way for a direct entry into the workforce or even a shortcut to earning a bachelor's degree. Online Associate programs are offered by many accredited colleges and institutes and are solid proof of the fact that you have completed a proper program of study that includes all core requisite courses of general education and specific courses in your chosen area of study.

Select Associate Programs

Associate in Art and Design

Associate in Business

Associate in Criminal Justice

Associate in Culinary Arts

Associate in Human Services

Associate in Liberal Arts

Associate in Psychology

What is An AA Degree
Online Associate programs are typically two year degree programs. They can be termed as sort of undergraduate degrees, generally requiring a minimum of sixty credit hours, although the specific requirements may vary from school to school. Associate programs usually comprise of three parts; your major requirements (constituting all core courses of your chosen area of study), general education requirements and free electives (courses which you can take from other disciplines). The major benefit for students pursuing online associate programs is that they can complete the program at their own pace and convenience. Many institutes also offer accelerated online associate programs.

Benefits Of Online Associate Programs:
Online associate programs offer a number of advantages for their students. These include:

  • Convenience:  Students don't need to commute to a campus and be physically present in a classroom. They can study wherever they like, from the comfort of their own homes or anywhere else.
  • Flexibility: Students can study whenever they like. They can attend their virtual classes whenever they want, at a time that is suitable to them, be it day or night.
  • Cost Effective: Online associate programs are more cost effective in that students don't have any additional transportation costs or other miscellaneous costs as compared to students who study on campus.
  • Effective: Online degrees allow you the freedom to interact well with your instructors and peers through a variety of portable media such as webcasts, podcasts, email, voice and video chat. Many find such form of learning more effective and comprehensive as there are less visible distractions.
  • Transferrable:  Many accredited online associate programs allow their students to transfer their credits to other schools if they wish to do so.

Types Of Online Associate Programs:
The different types of online associate degrees offered by many accredited institutes in the United States are:

  • Associate of Arts degree (A.A): This degree is transferrable to a four year college or university.
  • Associate of Applied Sciences (A.A.S): This mostly helps students prepare for entry level jobs.
  • Associate of Science (A.S): This degree is transferrable to a four year college or university.

Areas Of Study In Online Associate Programs:
In case of online associate programs, students have the option of working on different areas of study. Some of these include,  

  • Business and Management
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Criminal justice
  • Design
  • Architecture
  • Early childhood development
  • Nursing
  • Psychology
  • Information systems security
  • Computer network management

Prior to enrolling in any of the above mentioned, students need to make sure both the institute and the program are accredit by the proper governing body.


Q:How long does it take to get an associate Degree?

A:Associate degrees are undergraduate educational programs offered by many accredited universities. This program can be pursued after completion of a high school diploma. The duration of associate degree is two years at most schools. However, the duration can vary from place to place. Some schools are offering fast-track accelerated associate degrees that can be completed in less than 24 months. On the other hand, working individuals can opt for part-time associate degrees that can be completed at a slower pace. You can check with the prospective schools to learn about the duration of associate degrees.

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