Lpn Programs in Connecticut

LPN Programs In CT
Connecticut licensed practical nurses (LPN) account for twenty percent of the nurses in the state. Areas in Connecticut that have a large number of educational institutions and job opportunities for LPNs include New Haven, Bridgeport, and Hartford. The admission offices of nursing schools in Connecticut are able to provide information on admission requirements and other specific details.

Selecting A Nursing School
In order to help make the best possible nursing school choice, you should keep in mind some important factors. A key factor to consider is the accreditation of the school. Accreditation is important as it reflects the quality of education and also the validity of course content. After preparing a list of accredited nursing schools in Connecticut, shortening this list may be done by taking into account factors such as the reputation of the nursing school, feedback from the school's alumni, tuition costs, specialization courses, qualifications of faculty,  NCLEX-PN exam pass rate, availability of scholarships, and location. You could also look for online accredited schools that offer LPN programs.

Online Education
Students may enjoy a number of benefits from online LPN programs. Unlike traditional on-campus education, they provide a lot of flexibility and convenience. Students get the chance to create their own study schedule and learn at their own pace. The latest learning resources also help in understanding and retention of the course content. The different learning resources being used in online programs include video lectures, practice exercises, animations, discussion threads, online readings, PowerPoint slides, and case studies.

In addition, online education is less costly when compared to traditional on-campus programs. Students save on various costs such as transportation, dorm rooms, and textbooks. Tuition is also relatively less in online programs, as administrative expenses are not incurred in online education.

LPN Job Description
LPNs perform some universal tasks that apply to various healthcare environments. LPNs are normally the first medical professionals to work with a patient. One of the first tasks they need to perform is recording the patient's history. Other tasks of LPNs include:

  • Administering medicine according to doctor's prescription
  • Checking vital signs such as temperature, weight, and blood pressure
  • Caring for wounds by cleaning and bandaging injuries
  • Giving injections and immunizations
  • Taking medical histories
  • Adding  information to computer systems

LPN Career Prospects
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of LPNs is likely to increase by 22 percent between the years 2010 and 2020, which is faster than the average of all occupations. With the rising aging population in the US, the demand for healthcare is likely to rise. This trend is expected to result in more employment opportunities for LPNs in physicians' offices and various other healthcare settings. The services of LPNs will also be required in nursing homes and assisted-living centers. Many procedures that were only carried out in hospitals are now being performed outside hospitals, increasing the demand in new work settings, such as outpatient care centers.


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