Online Teaching Degrees

Teaching is a challenging career which is always in demand. These days, there are many education teaching degrees that are offered online, which enable busy adults to learn in a convenient, self-paced environment. They also enable professionals to avoid the costs and time associated with commuting. Finally, they may cost less than traditional campus based programs. Whether you teach in elementary, middle, high school, or in a specialized instruction area, online teaching degrees could benefit you with professional accreditation to teach. They also enhance knowledge and skills required to excel in teaching career.

The coursework for online teach degrees will depend on the area of specialization of the candidate. Broadly speaking, the classes will consist of subject matter modules and teaching modules. Subject courses develop knowledge of the content to be taught. Teaching courses provide training on how to interact with students, write lesson plans, and design curriculum. In addition to that, online teaching degrees also prepare candidates to pass teacher's examination. In order to teach in the US, most states require that teachers undergo certification. This certification may require passing a teacher's examination.

Many schools offer associate, bachelor, and master's level teaching degrees. Students should enrol in accredited colleges, so their degree is recognized by the state's education board.

Curriculum and Instruction
This graduate level program teaches candidates how to enhance instructional strategies, integrate critical thinking into instructional practice, and deploy technology in lessons. Educators develop teacher leadership skills by exploring latest research, trends, and strategies. An example of courses may include the following titles:


  • Professional Communication
  • Theories and Practices of Curriculum and Instruction
  • Social and Global Perspectives of Teacher Leadership
  • Ethical Issues in Education
  • Critical Thinking and Innovative Skills
  • Advocating for Learning
  • Methods of Coaching in the Instructional Setting
  • Using Technology for Teaching and Learning
  • Engaging in Communities of Practice
  • Assessment and Evaluation Models

Teacher Leadership
This program helps to prepare students for improved leadership roles in their teaching careers. The curriculum aims to enhance leadership skills in curriculum development, assessment, planning, collaboration, mentoring, peer coaching, and decision making. Classes may include the following titles:

  • Professional Communications
  • Personal Leadership
  • Cultural Competency
  • E-learning
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Performance Improvement and Management
  • Accountability and Evaluation
  • Family, Community, and Media Relations
  • School Improvement Processes
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Education

Career Outlook
Various levels of teaching include elementary teaching, high school teaching and post-secondary teaching. High school teachers prepare students for college. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage of high school teachers was $55,050 in May 2012. Post-secondary teachers instruct students in a variety of academic subjects beyond high school. Usually they have a PhD degree. Work experience may be important in getting a teaching job in technical and trade schools. The median annual wage of post-secondary teachers was $68,970 in May 2012, according to the BLS.


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