Why Become A Real Estate Agent

The US Real Estate Market
According to some estimates, the US real estate market is on the rebound, promising great returns once again to the investors, first-time home buyers, real estate agents and others. Others may, however, dispute the claim. Whatever the merits of the debate, what is not debatable is that the real estate agents play a critical role in the buying, selling and renting of real estate properties. Whether it is a small one-room condo or a palatial mansion, these professionals help potential buyers and sellers meet and make the best of their meeting.

Real Estate Agents Vs Real Estate Brokers
The two are often used interchangeably but there is a distinction and therefore it is important to know that distinction before embarking upon a career in real estate. Real estate agents must work with a broker, they cannot manage their own business unlike real estate brokers. Real estate brokers are licensed to manage their own business. Other than this, there is no major difference in their day-to-day professional life.

Why Become A Real Estate Agent?
A sociable person who loves interacting with others on daily basis is best suited for this career. A person with good problem-solving, persuasion, and interpersonal skills, may excel as a real estate agent. Once a real estate agent has settled down in the carrier, he/she may choose the working hours, and may not have to work long hours and weekends. Furthermore, the career will suit those who know their communities like the back of their hand. In helping their clients pick the best real estate property, real estate agents must know their area, its crime rate, reputation of its schools, etc. A successful real estate agent is also abreast with changing housing laws, zoning laws, and mortgage availability. Since it is a multi-faceted profession, therefore it would be wrong to describe a real estate agent a mere middle man between a seller and a buyer.

Real Estate Agent's Salary
Another attractive feature in becoming a real estate agent is the money. A real estate agent's salary is dependent on commissions made on sales. In May 2010, a real estate agent's median annual salary was $40,030.

Job Outlook
The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts 11 percent growth in the sector from 2010 to 2020. This is 11 percent faster growth then the average for all other occupations.

How To Become A Real Estate Agent?
Despite the ups and downs in the real estate market, it is still relatively easier to enter the profession. If you are interested in becoming a real estate agent then you need a high school diploma and a license to practice. To qualify for the real estate agent's license you should:

  • Complete certain number of hours of real estate courses
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Pass an exam

A license once obtained must be renewed every 2 to 4 years, depending upon the state's real estate laws. Those interested in obtaining a real estate agent's license must contact their state's real estate licensing commission.


Q:How long does it take to become a real estate agent?

A:Individuals must complete at least 1-2 years of college education to become a real estate agent. Most states require real estate agents to have at least a high school diploma, and complete a real estate course or certification program. A minimum number of hours of training must be completed to receive a license. It is important to remember that the educational and training requirements will vary from state to state.

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