How To Become An Esthetician

Estheticians perform skin care treatments to enhance the personal appearance of clients. They carry out several skin care and cosmetic procedures such as facials, massages, skin treatments, and application of makeup. They are sometimes trained to use laser technology for skin treatments. Estheticians can also be called aestheticians, skin care therapists, skin care specialists, spa technicians, skin care technicians, nurse esthetician, or medical esthetician.

Estheticians and Cosmetologists
Aestheticians may easily be confused with cosmetologists as many of their tasks overlap, but there are also some clear differences between the two professions. In contrast to estheticians, cosmetologists are not present in a medical setting. Cosmetologists are more involved in the application of makeup and do not deal with medical or skin treatments.

Esthetician Job Description
The following are the major tasks performed by estheticians:

  • Examine clients' skin using magnifying lamps or visors
  • Evaluate skin condition and appearance
  • Clean clients' skin using water, lotions, or creams
  • Demonstrate how to perform daily skin care regimens
  • Apply cosmetic products on the skin
  • Learn about latest trends and practices in the industry
  • Decide which products or colors will enhance the skin quality and appearance
  • Refer clients to medical personnel for the treatment of serious skin problems

How to Become an Esthetician
In order to get into a cosmetology school, a high school diploma or GED is required. Licensure is mandatory to work as estheticians, and must be acquired by completing a cosmetology program. Estheticians must go to a program accredited by State Board of Cosmetology. A full time cosmetology program takes around nine months to complete, and the minimum age to receive a license is sixteen.  The licensing examination may consist of a written test or an interview, and practical testing may also be a part of the test. An esthetician may go for further training after licensure to meet the requirements of a salon or to have a competitive edge in the skin care industry. Estheticians also go through on-the-job training in order to learn the techniques and procedures of a salon or spa.

Esthetician Skills
The following are skills that an esthetician should have:

  • Active listening skills to pay full attention to what clients are saying
  • Speaking skills to convey information clearly and effectively
  • Social perceptiveness to stay aware of people's reactions and understand the reasons
  • Judgment and decision making to choose appropriate actions after weighing costs and benefits
  • Service orientation to actively look for ways to help other people
  • Persuading others in order to change their perspective and behavior
  • Active learning to improve performance

Salary and Career Outlook
There seems to be a positive career outlook for estheticians. According to O*Net Online, the job opportunities for estheticians are likely to grow between 20 and 28 percent between the years 2010 and 2020, which is faster than average growth of all occupations. The projected job openings between 2010 and 2020 are likely to be a little more than 20,000. O*Net Online stated the median wage in May 2012 was $13.77 per hour and just over $28,000 annually.


Q:How long does it take to become an esthetician?

A:It can take around 6 to 24 months to become an esthetician. The duration will depend upon the program you enroll in the minimum training hours. You can opt for an associate degree and then enroll in a 6 month certificate program. The licensing and minimum training hour requirements will vary from state to state.

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