How To Become A Game Tester

Did you ever think it was possible to get paid to do something you enjoy? Something as simple as playing video games, for instance? While the idea may seem comical, there are multiple opportunities in the field which allow you to test out video games and provide valuable feedback. Have you been interested in learning how to become a game tester? Find out the information you need to decide if this profession is for you or not.

What Skills And Training Do I Need To Become A Tester?
The foremost requirement is to have considerable experience playing video games. Companies will pay you to test their product before its release to the larger market. In order for them to let you do so, you must be able to navigate your way through a game quickly. This is the skill you will market yourself on, so you must be the best of the best. As a result, having good concentration skills, manual dexterity, and patience is a must.

Secondly, you must also be a fair critic. As a game tester, your feedback will affect the way that the game is redesigned or modified for widespread usage. You cannot be dismissive of the entire game, or complain about irrelevant features. As a tester, the company will be expecting you to provide feedback regarding game-play, character handling, ease in using the controls, and evaluate whether the game as a whole was engaging enough or not. Additionally, you will have to highlight any technical errors or bugs in the game which the developers will need to correct. A balanced and well thought out critique is going to be much more appreciated than a simple rant.

How To Become A Game Tester
If you feel you possess the right set of skills to apply for the position of a game tester, you will have to start approaching game developing companies directly with your resume and portfolio. Companies may also post ads in newspapers - weekly classifieds - as a public announcement. You may be called for a screening interview, and if you meet the company's criteria you will be hired for the project. Game testing is not always a full-time job; companies may only post ads on a game-by-game basis, which means that you should not eagerly blow away your first paycheck immediately. Approach multiple companies initially and try developing a long-term, stable working relationship with them by proving your mettle.

Is This A Good Job?
While you will always be the first among your peers to test a new game, there are drawbacks to this job. All companies require testers to sign non-disclosure agreements, preventing them from discussing anything about their product they are working on. Testers also do not have any job security, are often overworked, and are paid significantly less than their skills may merit. Furthermore, times near the launch of a game can get very intense, causing testers to put in at least 40 hours a week testing a single portion of a game repeatedly.



Q:How long does it takes to become a game tester?

A:Game testers are professionals who test video games and help game programmers. There is no exact academic route designed for this profession. However it recommended that you complete your college education in a related field. You should first complete your high school education and then apply for a college degree. The exact time needed for a degree will vary from college to college.

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