Emergency Room Nurse

Emergency rooms are almost always bustling with activity. Having a competent staff that can immediately respond to patients' needs and stabilize their health is as crucial to this department as the doctors and physicians. Emergency nurses are professionals who specialize in ER cases. They are typically the first responders in a hospital, and are responsible for monitoring patient health and providing basic treatment before a doctor arrives on scene. While the designation may seem small, the workload involved in this profession is quite a lot, but not everyone is suited for the task.

What Skills Do I Need To Become An ER Nurse?
Emergency room nurses must possess an excellent knowledge of medicine, and know how to use this knowledge effectively. Patients arriving at the emergency room may have a huge variety of illnesses and injuries; so the nurses must be efficient at analyzing the situation, identifying the problem, and ordering the appropriate treatment. For these reasons, having strong analytical skills and being detail-oriented is highly beneficial. Furthermore, the nurse must have a good amount of stamina as well. Work hours in an emergency room can become quite long and tedious, and the environment can often get quite stressful. A good emergency room nurse will be able to handle the pressure effectively and maintain a calm composure. They must also be able to respond to questions and concerns that family and friends of the patient may have.

What Training Does An Emergency Room Nurse Require?
Earning an undergraduate degree can significantly improve your career prospects, but this is not a concrete requirement for entering the job. What is required is being certified in cardiac life support and advanced pediatric care. If you wish to obtain particular training to become an ER nurse, you should consider enrolling in a hospital training program or obtaining a basic degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Both of these programs will allow you to gain the specific skills and training needed to execute your duties as an ER nurse effectively. Not only will you gain training on the medical aspect of healthcare, but also how to manage your time and responsibilities more effectively. You will also have to take the Certified Emergency Room Nurse certification exam. Employers consider this official qualification as a bonus when hiring, so having it does improve your chances.

Completing your program and entering employment does not mean that your training is over. The American Association of Critical Care Nurses offers continuing education programs which are useful, and, in some cases, mandatory for all emergency room nurses. These programs allow professionals a chance to improve their skills by learning the most recent updates in the field.

Online Programs
An increasing number of universities are offering students the chance to complete their training for emergency room nursing online. Students enrolled into these programs access materials online and work through them at their own pace, which makes it highly flexible and convenient as a learning option. If you are pressed for time, consider this option.

Q:How long does it take to complete emergency room nurse certification?

A:The duration of an emergency nurse certification will depend upon which school you enroll in. Some certification programs may last around six months while others may take more than 12 months. It is recommended that you search online to learn about the duration and school options. Take a look at our page for more detailed information.

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