Nursing Schools in North Carolina

The nursing programs in North Carolina offer students a number of options, leading them to diverse careers in the field of nursing.

Degree Levels
Nursing schools in North Carolina
have several degree levels. Some levels are for those who are just beginning their nursing education, while others are for individuals pursuing advanced education in the field of nursing. Degree levels include Associate's Degree in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, RN to BSN programs, Masters of Science in Nursing, RN to MSN programs, Post-Masters Certificate,  Graduate Certificate in Nursing Management, and doctoral degrees.

Nursing Specialties
There are a large number of nursing specialties offered at schools in North Carolina. Some of the prominent fields where nurses could specialize include addictions nursing, ambulatory care nursing, cardiac nursing, emergency nursing, geriatric nursing, medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, radiology nursing, research nursing, and volunteer nursing.

Online Nursing Programs
Online degree programs in nursing have certain advantages over the traditional on-campus programs, as these programs provide a lot of flexibility. Students could learn at their own pace and at their preferred time.  They also save the time and cost spent in attending classes at traditional nursing schools. Individuals looking to further their career without having to leave their full-time job may conveniently choose to enroll in online nursing programs.

Considerations - Nursing Schools in North Carolina
There are some factors that could help you decide which nursing school in North Carolina to attend:

The accreditation of a nursing school is important because it indicates that the school meets the quality standards of nursing education. Employers also prefer graduates from accredited nursing schools.

You could have better career opportunities if you select a school located in a busy metropolitan area, as you could get access to many training and professional organizations.

In order to be successful in your nursing career, interest in a particular field is essential. You need to thoroughly check the programs and courses offered by a particular nursing school to find out if the courses meet your career aspirations.

NCLEX Pass Rate
While searching for the right nursing school, it is advisable to find out its NCLEX exam pass rate. The pass rates of the NCLEX exam reflect the quality of education provided by that particular school.

Tuition cost is the last factor to consider while selecting a nursing school. If you find the right nursing school, the cost of the school should not prevent you from joining it, as there are a number of federal and private financial aid opportunities available: federal grants, federal student loans, and private student loans.

Career Outlook Nursing
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities are expected to grow by 26 percent nationwide, between the years 2010 and 2020. Demand for nurses is expected to increase because of the technological advances, increased emphasis on preventive care, and the aging baby boomer population.  The 2010 median pay for nurses in US was $64,690 per year and $31.10 per hour. The lowest 10 percent nurses had a salary less than $44,190 and the top 10 percent had a salary more than $95,130.

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