Nursing Schools in Mississippi

With almost three million registered nurses (RN), they undoubtedly are an integral part of the US healthcare sector. Assisting doctors and other health professionals in providing care to patients, nurses perform a variety of duties, depending upon their academic and professional training. Not every nurse works in a hospital though; similarly, not all nurses work 9-to-5 shifts. Some specialized nurses work independently and may spread awareness among the general population about various diseases and illnesses. Nurses get well compensated for what they do. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), registered nurses earned in excess of $64,000 per year in 2010 (median salary). Specialized nurses like certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) may earn in excess of $100,000 annually.

Nursing Schools
Nurses are graduates of nursing schools. They are academically qualified, trained, and licensed to work. All states, including the District of Columbia, require nurses to be licensed. As mentioned earlier, RNs form the biggest group of professionals among the nursing community. There are three ways of becoming a RN:

  • Diploma in nursing
  • Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

These degree and diploma programs may be earned either through a traditional on-campus program or an online program. Some traditional nursing schools offer online programs and courses as well. Online education is ideal for those nurses who are working full-time yet want to enhance their resume by gaining more academic credentials. Older students who may feel hesitant attending classes with younger students may feel more comfortable completing an online nursing program from the comfort of their own home. In some instances, online nursing programs may be cheaper than traditional programs. Those who cannot or do not want to commute to campus have also found online education to be of great benefit.

Nursing Schools in Mississippi
There are many nursing schools in Mississippi. They offer various nursing degree programs, and they offer on-campus and online programs. The types of nursing programs offered include diploma programs, associate's degrees, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctorate degrees in nursing. Earning a BSN degree usually takes four or more years to complete. For the first 2 years, students take courses in humanities, arts, physical sciences, natural sciences, social sciences and behavioral sciences. It is only in their junior year that students will be taught nursing specific courses. In addition to earning a BSN degree through the traditional way, some students may have the option of enrolling in an accelerated BSN degree program. These types of programs are for students who already have a bachelor's degree in another field, but would like to switch careers and become a registered nurse. This degree may be completed in less than 2 years.

Mississippi Nurses Association
The Mississippi Nurses Association (MNA) represents the nurses working in the state. The MNA holds various workshops, forums, and programs for the professional betterment of nurses in Mississippi. The association also advocates various concerns of the professionals and provides them with a platform. The MNA's annual convention is one of the largest in the US, in which nursing students, registered nurses, and specialized nurses like nurse practitioners (NPs) participate.


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