Online HVAC Degree

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning degrees, commonly known as HVAC degrees, are a viable option for those individuals who want to pursue a career in repair and maintenance of HVAC equipment. Many accredited schools and institutions offer full time on campus as well as online HVAC programs.

HVAC Degrees
Degrees in HVAC are usually available at the certificate and associate's level. Certificate programs in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning could usually be completed in six months; whereas, associate's degrees typically take around two years. The admission requirements usually vary from school to school. However, students should have a high school diploma or an equivalent qualification in order to be eligible for admission into these degree programs. Students who have taken courses in mathematics, physics, and related subjects at high school would adjust well in HVAC programs.

Curriculum of HVAC Degrees
While the specific curriculum for degrees in HVAC varies from school to school, students enrolled in these programs get to take similar courses in:

  • Energy management systems
  • Piping
  • Duct work
  • Indoor air quality
  • Brazing
  • Soldering
  • Heating
  • Commercial HVAC
  • Installation techniques

Online HVAC Programs
An online degree in HVAC offers numerous benefits for prospective students. Individuals who are working professionals or looking for a career change could pursue online HVAC programs in order to enhance their skill set, without disrupting their work routines. These programs require students to perform some practical work, so most schools arrange this requirement to be completed with local HVAC companies. Online programs are convenient in that students are able to study whenever and wherever they want, and do so without disrupting their normal routines. Students get to have regular feedback, and they get to benefit from a diverse range of multimedia teaching techniques. Online programs tend to be more cost effective than full time on campus programs as students get to save on transportation and commuting costs. Increasingly, employers are preferring individuals who have completed their post secondary education and are well qualified. Some states and localities in the US also require HVAC technicians to be licensed.

Work Environment
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics held around 267,600 jobs in 2012. Sixty-one percent of these jobs were in the heating, air conditioning contractors and plumbing industries. Nine percent of the individuals were self employed. HVAC technicians usually work with commercial equipment repair and maintenance services, building equipment contractors, as well as plumbing and hardware wholesalers. Many self employed individuals get to work in residential home, offices, schools, hospitals, and factories as part of their service calls.

Job Outlook and Pay
According to the BLS, employment of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics is projected to grow by 21 percent from 2012 to 2022, a rate that is faster than the average of all other occupations. With regard to the pay, the median annual wage for these individuals was $43,640 in May 2012.


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