Online Health Specialties Degree

Those of you who wish to work in the ever growing and an ever evolving healthcare industry, acquiring some formal education will serve you well throughout your career. Health specialties degrees are offered at various levels including associate, bachelor, or master's degrees. Your choice of degree will depend on your prior education and future career objectives. An associate degree usually takes 1 to 2 years for completion. A bachelor's degree may be completed in 3 to 4 years; whereas, a master's program is usually earned in two years. Individuals with a health specialty or medical degree may enter the healthcare industry as medical assistants, pharmacy technicians, medical billers or coders, nursing assistants, or home-health aides.

Program Curriculum
Some of these degrees are designed in a way that prepares students to take certification or licensing exams after they graduate. However, some of the exams may require additional study or relevant experience. As a part of the program, some degree programs require students to get involved in an externship. The externship may be completed at various health care facilities such as physician's offices, clinics, pharmacies, or hospitals. Although program curriculum varies depending on the level and institute that you are enrolled in, as a general guide we've listed some of the courses that you may come across:

  • Medical Terminology, Law, and Ethics
  • Medical Asepsis
  • Assisting and Documenting Physical Examination
  • Professional Medical Coding
  • Clinical Procedures
  • Principles of Pharmacy Technology

Many variations of health specialties degrees are offered by different institutes. Depending on your interest, you may be able to choose a particular discipline in which you could specialize.

Online Degree Program
As more and more people are turning to online education, many institutes are now offering distance learning programs. Even though online programs are equally rigorous when it comes to course content and program curriculum, they offer a number of benefits to students. They enable you to cut down on costs and study within the comfort and convenience of your home. Distance learning courses are particularly suitable for professionals who do not want to give up their jobs for pursuing a degree. You'll typically receive instruction through video lectures, and like traditional programs, you'll be required to submit regular assignments and take tests. There are many hybrid programs which provide a combination of on-campus and online instruction. These are generally offered for disciplines that require hands-on knowledge and training.

Some people go on to earn post-graduate degrees and become health specialties teachers. According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), they may teach courses in health specialties, in fields like dentistry, laboratory technology, medicine, pharmacy, public health, therapy, and veterinary medicine. In 2012, health specialty teachers earned a median annual wage of $100,370. Besides being employed in colleges, universities, and professional schools, professors may find opportunities in general medical and surgical hospitals and technical and trade schools. Professos are generally expected to have completed a a doctoral degree.


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