South Carolina

The manufacturing industry in the state of South Carolina has historically been dependant on the agricultural products of the state. Textile industries located in Piedmont are dependent on the cotton crop.  The lumbering and related businesses make use of the forestland available in the state. Other top industries include automobiles, chemicals, and machinery. Mineral resources within the state have not been of major importance, except for gold. In agriculture, tobacco and soybean are important crops. Broiler chickens and cattle are also central for the state's economy. Fishing is considered to be a chief commercial enterprise. Nuclear facilities and military bases are also economically important. Besides, the tourism industry brings in a lot of revenue to the state as well.

Schools in South Carolina

Degree Levels
Students who wish to acquire higher education in the state have a number of options. Degree programs are offered at various levels, so that students can fulfill their educational requirements and also meet their career aspirations. Degree programs include associate, bachelor, master, and doctoral level programs in a variety of fields. Certificate programs and diplomas are also offered to meet the specific needs of professionals.

Programs offered
A wide range of degree programs are offered to students in the state. Students can choose to acquire education in diverse fields. They can opt for fields like nursing, engineering, management, and design. Major degree programs offered in the state include accounting, nursing, health care, business management, entrepreneurship, arts, graphic design and interior design. Some of the other programs include counseling, criminal justice, education, emergency management, English, game design, finance, human services, human resources, criminal justice, marketing, and ministry.

If you are thinking about enrolling in higher education programs, it is important that you look for accredited programs and thoroughly check the status of your preferred school and program. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) is the regional accrediting agency, which accredits schools in South Carolina. There are also national accrediting agencies such as the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), which accredits faith based schools. The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) gives national accreditation to the technical schools in the state.

School Considerations
It is important for you to keep certain factors in mind before selecting a school. It is crucial for prospective students to conduct extensive research on the accreditation status of the school, programs offered, curriculum, concentrations, and qualifications of faculty, location, and tuition costs. It is also preferable that prospective students ask for feedback from students and alumni, to get a better understanding of rules and culture.

Online Education
Students, who cannot afford to acquire education in a campus based program for any number of reasons, can opt for online programs. Online programs are not only convenient and flexible; they cut down education cost of students as well. Online programs have relatively lesser tuition fees due to their cost effective setup. Besides, students can save money on transport and accommodation when enrolled in online programs.


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