Education Issues

Education is the means through which the experiences and observations of one generation are transferred to another. It also serves as the platform on which nations are built. Although a lot of hindrance in the education sector has now effectively been removed but there still lingers issues which do not let all parts of the society become educated enough to play their individual and vital role. For instance the difference of education between private and public sector is still the main cause for slow progress in many countries. The variation in the curriculum can be due to geographical factors language barriers religious tendencies or simply because of people's preferences. These factors can sometimes be devastating as in case of India where the absence of sex education and awareness became the biggest cause of spread of HIV virus.
When education despite being actively pursued is unable to produce the desired results the causes could include the aspirations of the parents against the will of their kids. In Western countries the choice of subject rely solely on the students and the world has witnessed the marvels an individual can do if allowed to do what he thinks he is best at. In some countries the corporal punishment is one of the biggest education issues which put the students off. The broken bones and bruises can make someone less troubling but it certainly cannot make him/her more interested in education. The adverse effects of corporal punishments on a child's personality and his/her learning ability outlawed it in many countries. Now student counseling is doing what bruises and broken bones could not. Education issues also include plagiarism. Many students have confessed to copy the online research material to save their time and avoid hassle. These education issues need to be addressed on urgent basis so that the education can fulfill the dreams of making this world a better place.


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