Ultrasound Schools

Individuals aspiring to join the field of Sonography can enroll in Ultrasound schools. These schools offer associate and bachelor degrees in Sonography. Certificate programs are also available, but only those individuals who are employed in the healthcare field are eligible for admission. A degree or certificate program from an accredited institute followed by a certification in a subspecialty of Sonography greatly increases your employment prospects.

Educational programs in this field are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) which is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Graduates of these programs may pursue professional certification by taking and passing examinations administered by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS) in various subspecialties of this field. Many programs offer concentrations in corresponding specialty exams such as Abdomen, Fetal Echocardiography, Vascular Technology, Neurosonology and Musculoskeletal Sonography.

Most programs offered at Ultrasound Schools consist of classroom instruction, clinical rotations and ultrasound lab practicum. Student will learn to examine and evaluate the functioning of various organs. The condition of main structures is observed and measured.  Based on the results, treatment decisions are made for individuals suffering from various diseases. Some schools also offer externship opportunity at an approved ultrasound clinical site. Program faculty closely monitors students to ensure that learning objectives are being met. These programs offer courses in the following areas:-

  • Human Cross Sectional Anatomy
  • Patient Care 
  • Medical Pathophysiology
  • Sonography Physics and Instrumentation
  • Clinical Sonography
  • Research and Administration in Sonography
  • Sonographic Scanning Skills and Techniques
  • Abdominal and Small Parts Sonography
  • Obstetrical Sonography
  • Sonographic Vascular Evaluation

Distance Education
Individuals who want to balance various aspects of their personal and professional lives can benefit from distance education programs. Online ultrasound schools make use of power point presentations, case studies, video-clips, and discussions during instruction sessions. Assessment will be based on exams, quizzes, and assignments. Some programs are also delivered in hybrid format, where theoretical component is taught in online courses, and on-campus lab sessions cover practical aspects of this education.

Employment Prospects
Ultrasound imaging technology is now being preferred over more invasive and expensive diagnostic techniques. This trend has resulted in growing employment opportunities for individuals related to this profession. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, professionals employed as Cardiovascular Technologists will face an expected increase of 29% in their employment from 2010 to 2020.  Candidates who have earned ARDMS credentials will have better job prospects. Graduates of ultrasound schools can possibly be employed in the following positions:-

  • Cardiac Sonographer
  • Vascular Sonographer,
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer,
  • Staff Sonographer,
  • Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (RDMS),
  • Ultrasound Technician
  • Ultrasonographer,
  • Ultrasound Technologist

Advancement opportunities are also available in this profession. After acquiring relevant work experience, some professionals can possibly become leads sonographer or department directors. Advancement opportunities also exist in sales, consulting, equipment manufacturing, education and imaging administration. The BLS reports that the median annual wage of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers was $65,860 in May 2012.


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