Nationally Accredited Schools

Nationally accredited schools are the ones that receive accreditation by agencies who have the authority to accredit schools in the United States.  These schools are often single-purpose entities and provide specialized career-based programs. A school that is accredited is guaranteed to provide a well rounded education in its area of discipline. Hence it may provide an ideal career start for people with specific field of study.

Benefits of nationally accredited schools:

  • Schools which have received national accreditation usually offer career based study modules instead of just academic study courses;
  • Students can usually transfer credits from one nationally accredited school to another;
  • Accreditation shows that the teaching methods and curriculum of the program have been approved. Hence an accredited degree may have more weight than the one without accreditation; and
  • A degree from a nationally accredited institute may enable employers to assess that the candidate possesses knowledge and skills relevant to handle specific job.

There are many nationally accredited schools in the U.S that offer associates, bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees, as well as various certificates and diplomas.  Nowadays, both campus based and online programs are offered. Candidates can determine whether a school is accredited by a legitimate organization by checking the database of accredited academic institutes, posted by the U.S. Department of Education.

Nationally Accredited Law Schools
An accredited law school has received accrediting from a third party accrediting agency. The accreditation usually involves evaluation of the institute's educational offerings, as well as its infrastructure and general administration. The American Bar Association has provided ABA accreditation to law schools meeting excellent standards in the U.S. A typical accredited law school may offer various law programs such as Juries' Doctor, Master of Laws, and Doctor of Juridical Sciences.

The Master Of Laws (LL.M.) Program
The master of laws program may include candidates from a variety of backgrounds and legal systems. These may include government officials, lawyers, judges, law professors, diplomats, human rights activists, doctoral students, and business personnel. Usually, candidates who possess a J.D degree may apply for the program. Those who have a basic law degree from outside the U.S. may be required to first enroll in an elementary course based program, before starting the degree program. The initial semester may teach fundamentals of legal analysis and reasoning, as well as research and writing. Candidates may have an option to choose electives in the second semester. The options may include:

  • Civil Procedure
  • Administrative Law
  • Business Organizations
  • International Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Introduction to Criminal Procedure

The program may include exposure to the U.S Law and legal theory. The core coursework may include the following:

  • Constitutional Law
  • Civil Procedure
  • Contracts
  • Corporations
  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Property
  • Taxation
  • Legislation and Regulation
  • Torts
  • Legal research and writing

The above mentioned curriculum is common for many nationally accredited law schools. However, please consult your campus advisor for details of the program you wish to enroll in, as some requirements may vary between schools. Law graduates from accredited schools can find employment in various law firms, businesses, government agencies, and public interest organizations.




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