Bachelor in RN to BSN

Though you may have landed an entry-level position in a medical facility with an associate or a bachelor's degree, you can advance your career by going through one of the accredited RN to BSN online programs. It gives an opportunity to registered nurses (RNs) to build on the knowledge base created during the course of an associate's degree in nursing (ADN). Furthermore, it also offers the convenience of doing it all while keeping your current job and avoiding travel and traditional classroom sessions as well as saving on time and money.

Benefits of Online RN to BSN programs
Many of us cannot afford the expenses attached to attending an on-campus BSN program. If you have to commute daily, then you will have to incur the travel costs. If you want to stay on or near campus, then there are the room and board expenses. In addition, you will probably have to pay for a meal plan. By staying at your current nursing job and enhancing your skills and knowledge via a virtual classroom environment, you will be able to accelerate your learning curve.
Overview of RN to BSN Programs
The best RN to BSN programs are offered by online institutes that are fully accredited and approved by professional nursing associations. Therefore, not only should the program be approved by national bodies such as the Distance Education and Training Council, but also be accredited by specialized nursing organizations such as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or be a member of the Accreditation Commission For Education in Nursing, Inc.
Some of the courses that are included in RN to BSN programs include community health nursing, nursing theory and practice, clinical pharmacology, and behavioral science. These courses follow the guidelines of the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice.
Other than imparting specific nursing knowledge, there are also courses that emphasize personality traits such as critical thinking, organizational skills, and effective communication. Courses relating to behavioral science, general education, and science specialty topics make these programs well-rounded. In addition to the online theoretical portion of the program, many RN to BSN programs may also have a practical component that involves working under a mentor in a community healthcare center.
Compensation and Job Outlook
Registered Nurses were earning a median annual wage of around $64,000 back in 2010. This figure advances if you upgrade your basic RN academic credentials from a certificate or an ADN to that of a BSN. By doing so, you might expect to approach an annual salary of $95,000; the top ten percent of all RNs were earning this amount or more.
According to surveys carried out by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, job prospects improve significantly for RNs that hold a bachelor's degree in nursing. As it is, employment opportunities for RNs are expected to increase by at least 25% in the ten-year period from 2010 to 2020. So don't miss out on securing your future and take advantage of RN to BSN online programs now.

Q:Are accelerated second degree nursing programs different from regular programs?

A:A Second degree program in the field of nursing is designed for students who have already completed their bachelors in another academic field but wish to pursue nursing. The program can be completed in a shorter time span as compared to regular nursing programs. Students will learn about important nursing concepts and will prepare for the nursing licensing examination.

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