Certificate in Interior Design

Whether you want to pursue interior designing as a hobby or you are interested in becoming a professional interior designer, it could be a great idea to enroll in an interior design certificate program. These programs may also be taken by professional interior designers who want to learn new skills and remain updated. One option you might consider is an interior design certificate online program. Although they are equally rigorous in terms of curriculum, online programs may be more cost effective and enable you to study according to your own schedule. This might allow you to keep your current job while earning your certificate. You will receive instruction through video lectures, and will be able to be involved in discussions with fellow students and instructors. Like conventional programs, online program will require you to submit regular assignments, take tests, and maintain consistency as far as attendance is concerned.

Program Curriculum
The coursework is designed to provide you with the necessary knowledge and training for effective space planning, choosing appropriate fabric and furniture, working with color and lighting, making sketches and layouts, dealing with vendors and clients, and working with contracts. You will also be taught about building codes and inspection regulations. Besides technical training, you will be encouraged to improve your creative, imaginative, and artistic skills too. The ultimate goal is to come up with plans that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but are sustainable and offer value for money. Although prior knowledge in art or design will prove to be helpful, it is not a requirement for admission into online interior design certificate programs. In order to give you an idea of the curriculum, the following is a list of example courses that you may come across:

  • Basic Drafting for Interior Design
  • Lighting for Interior Designers
  • Color Rendering and Perspective Drawing
  • Model Construction
  • Presentation Techniques for Interior Designers
  • Business Practices for Interior Designers

The name and types of courses may be different for each institute. To earn the certificate, you will usually be required to complete a certain number of credit hours and achieve a minimum grade point average. The duration and cost of the program varies depending on the institute at which you decide to enroll. Most of the certification programs may be completed within a few months.

To become a certified interior designer, you'll have to pass the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) examination that is administered by CIDQ. In order to be eligible to take the test, you will have to complete a formal course of study and obtain some relevant work experience.

Employment Outlook
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012, interior designers earned a median salary of $47,600 per year. The job outlook is good with an estimated growth rate of 13 percent during 2012 to 2022. Interior designers are usually employed by design and architectural firms. They may hold positions titles like design assistants, facilities manager, set designers, and space planners.


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