Nursing Schools in Ohio

The healthcare profession is growing quite rapidly in the US. There is an increasing aging population, and with improvements in medical technology, there is a high need for competent nurses to help bridge the gap between patients and doctors. This is quite an exciting point in time to enter the nursing field.

Prerequisites For Nursing School
It is required that you have a high school diploma in order to apply to nursing schools, and preferred that you have some background training in the life sciences like biology and chemistry. Having a GPA of 3.0 or above on the 4.0 scale will increase your chances for entry into your top nursing school choice.

What Kind of Programs Do Nursing Schools Offer?
There are typically two major degrees offered to students who apply to nursing schools at an undergraduate level. The first is a two year long Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN); which covers the training required for a professional nurse, and is aimed at equipping you with the skills needed to pass the licensing exam at the end of your studies. The second degree is a more comprehensive degree, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN); which lasts 4 years and involves holistic learning in the field of nursing and humanities or social sciences. The aim of this degree is to produce a well-rounded professional; who is capable of assuming greater responsibility in the workplace, and is armed with a strong analytical sense along with his or her knowledge of medicine.

Depending on your preferences, you may choose either of these degrees. Students who earn a bachelor's degree may also be able to obtain a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree, which allows nurses to specialize in particular fields of medicine and enter professions like nurse anesthetist. Some schools may also offer doctoral programs for students wishing to go even further in their studies. Each of these programs will primarily focus on training you in areas of medicine relevant to your specialty (if any), and supplement this with training in other areas to help you develop your analytic and critical thinking skills. The BSN degree, with its focus on humanities, helps you develop skills beyond the medical training you will receive.

Employment Opportunities
The employment you gain upon completing your studies depends on the level of training you have acquired. Typically, students with a BSN degree are able to find more secure and higher paying jobs as registered nurses in hospitals. They work as leaders to help manage a hospital's daily routines, and work closely with doctors and physicians in providing healthcare. Those with a Master's degree in a specialized area could find even better jobs with private facilities; and in some cases, may also diagnose patients and prescribe drugs without needing a physician's approval. Your salary will vary based on the location, employer, and level of personal expertise.

Nursing Schools in Ohio
Residents in the state of Ohio could find it beneficial to enroll in nursing programs in their own state. Tuition at public universities for in-state students could be significantly lower than out-of-state tuition if a student chooses to attend a public university in another state. The state's Board of Nursing carries an extensive list of nursing schools in Ohio that you can browse through to understand the requirements and enroll based on your preference.

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