Rn To Bsn Programs in North Carolina

The Nursing Profession
A nursing career is both exciting and fulfilling. They help patients recover from illnesses and injuries, and some nurses will work directly under the supervision of physicians and surgeons. Registered nurses are in high demand across the country, and this includes North Carolina. Several types of nursing programs are offered like associate's degree programs and RN to BSN programs in NC. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), registered nurses (RN) earned in excess of $60,000 per year in 2010 (median salary). Between 2010 and 2020, the profession is expected to have a growth rate of 26 percent, and this rate is faster than the average for all other professions. Therefore, it is worth exploring your options within nursing.

Registered Nurses
Registered nurses are qualified and licensed nurses providing a wide array of services to patients, and they work in hospitals, clinics, nursing care facilities, and home healthcare services. They provide and coordinate patient care. They educate the general public and patients about various diseases and health conditions. RNs also provide emotional support to patients and their families.

How To Become An RN
RNs either hold a diploma in nursing, an Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Furthermore, they must also pass the National Council Licensure Examination, NCLEX-RN.

RN To BSN Programs
RNs with a bachelor's degree in nursing usually have a better chance to get administrative, teaching, consulting, and research positions. They may also earn more as compared to their colleagues with either a diploma or an ADN. This is because RNs with a BSN degree are trained in physical and social sciences, critical thinking, leadership and communication skills. These skills are more in demand today as the profession becomes more complex and tightly regulated.

Therefore, those registered nurses with either a diploma or an ADN may want to consider enrolling in a RN to BSN program. This is an accelerated program which may be completed in less than time than a regular 4-year BSN degree. The actual date of graduation will depend upon the student's enrollment status. The program may have additional prerequisites like experience in:

  • Pharmacology
  • Statistics
  • Development psychology
  • Human anatomy and Physiology
  • Health assessment

The admission requirements will be different for each school's program; however, the following may be similar at each school:

  • A diploma in nursing or an ADN from an accredited nursing school
  • Satisfactory completion of prerequisites
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average
  • Current nursing license
  • Submission of official transcripts
  • Letters of recommendation

Why Choose An Online RN To BSN Program?
Online education provides several benefits that traditional on-campus nursing programs do not offer. These include:

  • Flexibility - You are able make your own course and study schedules that fit within your current schedule
  • Cost effectiveness - Some RN to BSN programs may be cheaper as compared to the same programs offered at on-campus programs
  • Diversity - Ideal for both older and students who prefer independence over a strict on-campus study routine

Online RN to BSN Programs in NC offer RNs a chance to improve their career options, and they may continue to work full-time and apply newly learned course material to their day to day responsibilities.


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