Rn Programs in New Jersey

Registered nurses (RN) are the engine which keeps a hospital running. They work with doctors and physicians in drafting treatment plans for patients. They also coordinate with licensed practical nurses (LPN) to ensure that all patients receive the optimal care that they need. With a growing demand in the healthcare industry, the RN position is gaining popularity as a career choice. Individuals who are interested in becoming RNs can start on a new career path by enrolling in an accredited RN program.

What Is Required To Enroll Into A RN Program?
Nursing programs require you to have a high school diploma or completed the General Education Development (GED) test in order to apply. Each program will have its own academic requirements, so you should apply to one which best match your qualifications. Though it is not required, having a background in the sciences such as biology and chemistry is helpful in understanding the material covered.

What Should I Expect In A RN Program?
In order to become a RN, you will have to earn an Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. The former is a two-year program which is specific to the skills you need in becoming an efficient and effective nurse. The latter is a more rigorous, four-year program which requires students to complete some training in the humanities and social sciences. These include subjects like sociology and psychology. The aim of such courses is to help sharpen the critical thinking abilities of individuals and become more compassionate, well-rounded medical professionals. By and large, the programs start by covering topics in biology. Lessons are delivered in anatomy and other important areas of biology to help understand the human body in a medical context. Following this is a period of clinical training where you are taught how to handle different hospital equipment, and learn how to use them to monitor and maintain patient health.

Online RN Programs In NJ
Some students who wish to become RNs might be preoccupied with commitments at a full-time job. Others may feel that they are too old to attend college, and choose not to apply because they are uncomfortable. For such individuals, there is now an opportunity to take online courses to become a RN. These courses culminate in the awarding of a formal degree which makes the student eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nursing (NCLEX-RN). In an online nursing program, the material is uploaded online, so it is easily accessible from anywhere in the world. This creates a convenient and relaxed framework within which the students can complete their coursework and receive formal accreditation. Online programs are also beneficial because they help save on the potential cost of commuting to or relocating near a campus to attend classes. Typically, these programs also cost less than their traditional counterparts.

Continuing Education
Nurses who have completed a RN program may choose to obtain a Master's degree. Nurses who take this route may choose a specialized nursing profession like nurse practitioners, or continue their education in a doctoral program so that they may enter academia as professors.

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