Lpn Programs in Missouri

Missouri has a growing number of opportunities in the nursing field. In the state, LPNs account for about 23 percent of all nurses. There are many LPN programs in Missouri, and plenty of job opportunities in St. Louis and Kansas City for licensed practical nurses (LPN). LPNs are responsible for administering care to patients and monitoring their health while under their care. LPNs will work under the supervision of a registered nurse and a doctor. LPNs must be efficient at using different hospital equipment and be trained at helping patients who are having basic health issues. LPNs will record the vitals of all patients under their care, and ensure that they receive the correct medication according to their prescriptions.

If you want to become a nurse in Missouri, a LPN program will provide you the shortest route to enter the nursing profession. A LPN degree requires one year of theoretical education and practical experience. Once you complete a LPN program, you will need to obtain a CPR card and pass the NCLEX-PN exam. The admission requirements and degree information for LPN programs may be received from the admission offices of any nursing school. Registered nurses (RN) and LPNs having a license in Missouri need to get it renewed every two years; however, continuing education is not a requirement for them.

Nursing School Considerations
If you are looking for LPN programs in Missouri, it is preferable that you keep in mind some important factors. A major factor to consider is the accreditation of nursing school, which indicates the quality of course content and curriculum. Other factors that you need to consider are the reputation of the nursing school, qualification of the faculty, NCLEX exam pass rate, specializations offered, placement rate, location of school, and tuition costs. You could also look at feedback from students to help make a better choice. All these factors eventually help you make an informed choice of a nursing school.

Online Education
Online LPN programs have certain benefits that are not offered in traditional nursing schools. Online programs are quite flexible and convenient for students, as students have the option to study at their own pace and form their own schedule. Learning resources used in online education also aid in understanding and retention of course material. These learning resources include video lectures, practice exercises, PowerPoint slides, discussion threads, animations, online readings, and case studies. Other than that, online education is relatively cost effective as there could be no transportation or dorm room costs and hardly any textbook costs.

LPN Career Prospects
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of LPNs is expected to rise by 22 percent from 2010 to 2020, which is faster than the average for all occupations. With a rising aging population, the demand for healthcare services is likely to rise. This trend will result in more job opportunities for LPNs in various work settings such as hospitals, physicians' offices, and other healthcare facilities. LPNs will also be required in residential nursing homes and assisted-living centers. Many healthcare procedures may be conducted outside hospitals, creating opportunities for LPNs in new work settings such as out-patient centers.

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