Lpn Programs in Illinois

The nursing industry in Illinois is a major source of employment. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are currently over 200,000 nurses employed at different tiers in various healthcare organizations. Licensed practical nurses along with licensed vocational ones constitute around 11% of the entire nursing workforce in Illinois. Replenishing the supply pool for such nurses are LPN programs in Illinois nursing schools that are spread all across the state.

LPN Programs in Illinois
There are some 52 practical nursing programs offered in various Illinois-based nursing schools. Most of these institutes are concentrated in population-dense urban centers, such as Chicago and Springfield. The Illinois Board of Nursing requires that aspiring licensed practical nurses graduate from accredited programs, the entire listing of which has been made available on their website.

Where the courses or topics covered may vary slightly, the basic structure of LPN programs is basically the same in Illinois nursing schools. A typical practical nursing degree program last for two semesters or one year and also has a summer session in certain cases. The topics typically covered include basic human biology and anatomy, introduction to nursing, caring for geriatrics and adults, surgical nursing, maternal nursing, pharmacology and pediatric and newborn nursing.

Becoming an LPN in Illinois
Successfully completing an accredited LPN program is not sufficient for becoming a licensed practical nurse in Illinois. The state board of nursing only permits those LPN degree holders to practice nursing who have had their credentials examined and been given legal authorization to do so. Furthermore, in addition to a certificate of practical nursing, an assessment is also made regarding their basic knowledge of nursing, competency, sense of judgment as well as their skill-set. An application for licensure is made on the basis of a clearing the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN). The pass rate for candidates appearing in the NCLEX-LPN from Illinois is fairly high, with 85% being successful in 2012. However, in order for the licensure process to be completed, the Illinois board of nursing also requires that certain information regarding your personal history be also submitted, such as the following.

  • Any prior criminal offenses or convictions in the form of a statement that mentions the date as well as the location of the conviction, its nature and, if need be, the discharge date.
  • Communicable diseases or those that are classified as chronic, such as any psychological condition(s), substance abuse, and any other illness or complication that will impair your ability to perform your nursing tasks
  • Previous rejections of applications for licensure or permit from any other official licensing agency, whether based in Illinois or any other state.
  • Last, but not least, whether or not you are a citizen of the U.S. or have been legally admitted into the country.

Employment Outlook
For the 22,800 licensed practical vocational nurses working in various hospitals, clinics and nursing homes in Illinois, the average annual income was $42,000 in 2012. Most LPNs are employed in the Chicago-Naperville-Joliet metropolitan area. An aging population and a fast-retiring generation of baby-boomer nurses calls for a steady supply of nurses. The Illinois Center for Nursing, operating under the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, is expected to play an important role in ensuring this by maintaining the quality standards of LPN programs within the state.


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