Physical Therapy Schools in Georgia

Physical therapy is a treatment for health problems that make it difficult for patients to move around and carry out their everyday tasks. Physical therapists help patients become mobile and relieve pain with the help of therapy. Physical therapy can also be used to improve and restore physical function and fitness level.


Georgia has a number of schools offering physical therapy degrees. Since physical therapists are required to hold advanced degrees, most physical therapy schools award a Doctor of Physical Therapy, while some offer a Master of Physical Therapy. Normally a doctoral degree is required to work as a physical therapist. Physical therapists must be licensed according to the state's regulations.

During their education, physical therapists are offered a wide variety of courses. They study subjects such as biomechanics, physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and neuroscience. Physical therapy students do not just acquire knowledge in classrooms, but they also have to perform clinical rotations. Clinical rotations help students to gain hands on experience, guidance, and training for future careers. Students interested in online programs normally have their clinical rotations with a local medical facility in order to meet degree requirements.

Physical therapists normally treat patients who are afflicted with different illnesses. However, it is also possible for them to specialize in a specific type of physical therapy treatment. Some of the specialties include sports medicine, pediatrics, and geriatrics. Physical therapists may also acquire a specialist certification in a certain area for professional development and continuing education. Online programs are also available to acquire certifications in many physical therapy specialties.

Students looking for physical therapy schools in Georgia should only look for accredited programs. When deciding on a physical therapy program, it is important to check whether it is accredited by American Physical Therapy Association. Unaccredited physical therapy programs are not recommended, as they can end up wasting both time and money of the student. Students must do thorough research on accreditation before opting for a program, in order to acquire quality education and have their degree accepted by employers.

Online Education
A number of online programs are also available in physical therapy. Individuals who cannot attend on campus programs have an opportunity to study physical therapy courses online. Online programs are not only convenient and flexible; they also enable students to cut down on education costs. Normally online programs have lesser tuition costs due to their cost efficient setup. In addition, students do not incur costs such as travelling, accommodation, or textbooks. However, students require consistency and strict self management to perform well in online programs.

Physical Therapy Job Outlook
According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is a positive job outlook for physical therapists. Employment opportunities for physical therapists are expected to grow at a rate of 36 percent from 2012 to 2022, which is a lot faster than the average of all occupations. Demand for physical therapy services will arise from the aging baby boomer population. The older population will require physical therapy services for rehabilitation.


Q:What is the curriculum of a physical therapy program?

A:Physical therapy degrees are offered by many schools in Georgia. These are designed to prepare students for physical therapist careers. Although the curriculum will vary from one place to another generally covered areas include: therapeutic exercises analytical anatomy disorders of the Muscoskeletal system clinical management clinical biomechanics basics of patient management and more.

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