Colleges in Georgia

Are you thinking of studying in Georgia? You've come to the right place to get information about schools in Georgia. Georgia has some great educational opportunities for students interested in attending a school in the state. According to Education Week, the state ranks third in the nation in terms of the use of technology in schools. The number of residents earning high school diplomas and college degrees has rapidly gone up over the past 20 years. Today, around 28 percent of adults hold a bachelor's degree, and one in 10 students go on to pursue a master's level program. Georgia remains a popular place for starting a business. According to a study conducted by Kauffman Foundation in 2012, the state ranks number two in experiencing the largest increases in entrepreneurial activity rates over the last ten years.

Higher Education in Georgia
After graduating from high school or earning a GED, students may go on to pursue a degree at one of many colleges or universities in Georgia. The number of students enrolled in Georgia institutions has been rising since 1998. There are 51 four-year colleges and universities, and 35 technical colleges in the state.  Every year, over 50,000 students graduate from the Georgia university system, private universities, and technical colleges in the state. According to a 2012 edition of U.S. News & World Report, two public universities in Georgia were ranked among the top 25 universities in the nation.

Schools in Georgia offer a wide range of programs in various disciplines. You may find degrees in business, engineering, ecology, agriculture, and environment science, journalism and mass communication, and public policy and law. Students should look through the details of the programs and choose one that is in accordance with their prior education and future career objectives. In addition to conventional campus-based degree programs, there are many online schools in Georgia, which allow students to study from virtually any location. Online schools are appropriate for people who want to hold on to their current jobs while pursuing a college degree.

In order to make education affordable for all students, the state offers the HOPE scholarship for the highest achievers at public universities and accredited private institutes. There are also other financial aid opportunities that students should explore before they enroll in any institution. They could be eligible for federal grants and school loans. It is recommended that students contact the financial aid office of their respective school and find out the specific details about scholarships and federal aid packages, and choose those that are in accordance with their individual needs and requirements.


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