Nursing Schools in Connecticut

In the last few years, the nursing profession has shown remarkable growth, much faster than the national average. There is good reason for this growth; a larger population requires more professionals who are able to diagnose illnesses, provide treatment, and form a bridge between doctor and patient. The technology used in medical treatment today is improving by leaps and bounds, so properly trained nurses who know how to operate the equipment are in more demand. Nursing schools have seen a higher amount of applications for admission, and a number of institutions offer competitive programs which train students into effective nurses and care providers. If you are looking for nursing schools in CT, or anywhere in the US, you may be overwhelmed by the variety of choices. Our guide will help you understand how nursing schools work, what types of programs are available, and how you should select the right program.

Nursing Programs in Connecticut
Nursing school programs vary in their duration and academic rigor, and students are able to choose from several options based on what suits them. Students who wish to gain a basic understanding in nursing techniques could apply for licensed practical nursing (LPN) programs. These involve basic training across multiple areas - providing basic medical treatment for different ailments and performing basic diagnoses - in short certification modules. Each module could range from 4 weeks to 8 weeks, and the overall program could be completed within a year.

Those wishing to enter more senior positions may choose a two year Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a four year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Students who choose an ADN program will be taken through material relevant to medicine only. This includes covering topics like anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. Along with this, practical training modules will allow the students to gain hands-on experience in a professional setting. The BSN degree covers all the material in an ADN program, and also exposes students to courses in liberal arts. These are aimed to groom critical thinking and empathetic ability in the students; these skills are necessary as the field of medicine becomes more complex.

Some nursing programs in CT may be accelerated. That is, students in these programs will cover the same amount of material in a shorter span of time. While this has the advantage of letting you enter the professional world quicker, it may require more daily time commitment as well. Another option that students could look into is online education. Some schools are now offering online nursing programs, and in these programs, students are able to complete the program without having to attend classes on a campus.

Choosing A Nursing School
A key factor to look into, on top of affordability and program quality when choosing between nursing schools, is accreditation. The Connecticut Department of Public Health may help you in this matter. They maintain an extensive list of schools in Connecticut authorized to teach a standard curriculum. This is important because students are required to take a licensing exam at the end of their degree, which they are only eligible for if their degree is accredited.


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